Lana Reeser, Kate Barton, and I worked together to create a mini-course on Google Apps for Education. Lana and my schools switched to Google Apps for Education this year so we felt this was very applicable to our work. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Great Apps for Math Teachers, and others too :)
Common Core State Standards, iPad app. Allows you to quickly view the CCSS for Language Arts and Math.
SplashTop, iPad app that allows you to remotely access your desktop. Great for using with an interactive whiteboard so you can walk around while writing on the board.
MyScript Calculator, allows the user to hand write a problem and then it calculates the answer. Also turns equations into typed form so you can copy and paste it into other documents. Free for the iPad.
Math Workout, mental math workout game to improve basic skills. Great for all levels. Available as a free trial with a $.99 upgrade.
Algebra Touch, allows user to manipulate various difficulties of equations. Great hands on learning. Available for iPhones, iPod touch, and iPads for $2.99.
Math Ref, contains over 1400 formulas, figures and examples for math, chemistry, and physics. Available as a free trial for iPhone and iPad, with a $1.99 upgrade fee.

Gradebook Pro, electronic grade book I've just downloaded this but based on the reviews it's a great portable grade book You can use it to input grades, take attendance, add notes. For me it seems like it will be a much quicker way to show students their grades rather than having to pull up their grades on our school's online grade book which is typically very slow to log in to.
Last year a county wide math grant that I am a member of purchased iPads for all of the teachers in the grant. I have to admit I didn't use it much last year. I plan to try and use some of these apps this year to enhance my students' learning. Students are very comfortable with mobile devices, many have one on them 24/7, so I need to find a way to incorporate them into my classroom, other than using them as a basic calculator. Based on the readings from this module, I will definitely be considering ways to incorporate mobile learning into my classroom and convincing others to do the same. Why take away a technology kids are familiar with when it can be used to help them learn?
Currently our school allows cell phones to be used during passing periods and at lunch but they are not allowed to be used in the classroom. Students are allowed to bring laptops, but many don't have them. There is talk that each incoming freshman will be issued a Google Chromebook to carry with them to each class. When I first heard this I was immediately against the idea. However, after researching many different tools that students can use a laptop for in the classroom to support their learning, I'm beginning to think it will be a good idea, even in a math classroom. Instead of handing out paper exit slips, students could log on to our classroom padlet and answer the question or post questions they have, even anonymously. Instead of teaching kids how to use a handheld graphing calculator, which most students do not know how to do, we could log on to desmos and graph together, something they can do at home, as long as they have internet. These are just a few of the ideas I've come up with as a result of this module.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Digital Citizenship
Below is a link to my action plan and presentation for Eastern Greene High School to include digital citizenship as a part of the curriculum.
Flip Your Classroom Book Talk
Below is my book talk for Flip Your Classroom by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The Digital Divide - Is It Still Present?
Check out our VoiceThread below that our class had discussing the Digital Divide.
This section really hit home for me because the digital divide is very apparent at my school. Many of my kids don't have access to the internet at home, and many, if they do, have a very slow connection. Kelsey brought up this point and I agree, the divide doesn't necessarily mean do our students have a computer but do they have appropriate access? If they have very slow connections having the internet may be a burden when trying to do homework online. If I ask my kids to go to a website and play a game to reinforce the learning that we did in class and they have a connection at home that takes forever to load, this activity would actually be counterproductive. So to me, the digital divide isn't just whether or not they have access, but do they have the best access they need.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
New Literacies - The Key to the Future
Lana Reeser and I worked together to create a popplet for our graphic. Hopefully this link works. We've included some graphics and YouTube videos that explain what each literacy are. Lana created this Tagxedo to show that the words are interconnected and are the "key" to success in the 21st century.
Here's a link to our document: New Literacies Document
Here's a link to our document: New Literacies Document
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Think Outside the Box
Ian Gilbert says “but how can we have children who are happy with diverging away from the concrete world of right answers if we’re not modelling to them how to take risks, try new solutions and innovate?” How can we expect students to think outside the box when we are lecturing in front of them expecting them to simply memorize information? In my experience, when I let kids make up their own rules in math class, which isn’t very often unfortunately, they are much more likely to remember the information and use it to solve problems than if I simply tell them how to do it. They take ownership in what they have learned and want to use their newfound theory in their work. However, schools in my area that focus solely on letting students learn this way and focus on problem based learning perform poorly on ISTEP and ECA tests, so how can I possibly completely change the way I teach even if it means letting the kids get so-called real world experience and let them think outside the box? I’m stuck in a bad spot. I want to let me kids explore topics on their own and discover how to solve problems without me, but I also know that at the end of the year I’m evaluated on how well they perform on the ECA. If I can incorporate more technology into my classroom maybe I can still give my students the freedom to learn on their own while I am still in charge.
I wholeheartedly feel that students learn differently today, they are all about technology in every aspect of their lives. But how in the world am I supposed to change what I already know works? It’s a scary jump to consider, but I’m willing to if that means engaging my students more.
Below is my short video that I created. I think it quickly sums up how many students today think about school.
Gilbert, I. (2009). Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it’s the only idea you’ve got. Why do I need a teacher when I’ve got Google?: things every teacher should know (pp. 42-46). London: Routledge.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
About me...
Hi all, my name is Melodie and I am a high school math teacher at Eastern Greene High School in rural Greene County. In my spare time I like to spend time with family, especially my husband and daughter, Emily, who will be one this July.
I am currently working on my Masters in Secondary Education at IU Bloomington. I've been working on my degree for about 3 years now, only taking one class at a time since I'm a full time teacher. I'm taking this course because I'm interested in ways to integrate technology into the math classroom, so I'm hoping to learn a few things in this course. I'm looking forward to working with all of you.
I am currently working on my Masters in Secondary Education at IU Bloomington. I've been working on my degree for about 3 years now, only taking one class at a time since I'm a full time teacher. I'm taking this course because I'm interested in ways to integrate technology into the math classroom, so I'm hoping to learn a few things in this course. I'm looking forward to working with all of you.
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